The Cynics of North India – Delhi (November 2018) and London (January 2019)
Colloborative International Artistic Exchange Project (supported by an and counterproductions) Working with street dog workers and street dogs of Delhi and North India).
InspiralLondon Metropolitan Trail – Vitrine Display at MuCem Marseille (Nov 2017)
Beautification Committee Walks for Common & Garden (CGPLondon, Aug/Sept 2017)
Supernormal Super Sensory Summer School Sanctum, The Dome, Braziers (Aug 2017)
Performance ‘Con/TEMPORARY Art’ at South London Gallery (with This Happy Band)

Detours to InspiralLondon: Gravesend July 5th 2014/Gravesend June 20th 2015; Stave Hill Ecology Park, Surrey Quays 6th July 2014; then 1st segment Kings Cross, London June 21st 2015; 2nd segment July 26th 2015; 3rd segment from Southwark Bridge 18 October 2015. Walks, sound experiments and live broadcast as part of Inspiral London (PSi20 Fluid States, North Atlantic; locus sonus) and in Athens. To keep up to date with detours Inspiral London visit: inspirallondon
Charlie participated in Supernormal Supersensory Summer School @ Braziers, Oxfordshire (7-9th August 2015) – SSSSS ‘we can all be part of the sensorum’. Then in 2016 Woodhenge; 2017 Sanctum – further investigations tbc.
Ongoing exchange, word-objects and anti-sign project: continuation of work for Overtime, Detours/Marseille, and for Detours2 London – work onsite or at ‘POOL’ (CGP, London 7th July-28th July 2015) and located along the Thames foreshore (Autumn 2015), including ‘Common & Garden’ (August 2017, CGPLondon)
Past Events
Curation and collaborative projects including: InspiralLondon, DeCentreDerSpace (Marseille-Provence 2013); De/Tours (Marseille & London); Shibboleth the Show (Dilston Grove, CGPLondon); Pavilion (Art Caucasus, Tblisi, Georgia): Grunts for the Arts/Artists’ Plc (Hackney Marshes, Burgess Park, Soho, London); Hay Day event (CGPLondon); Fete & Bath Night (Camberwell Arts): CGTV (Leeds Market & Brixton Market); Basecampment (National Review of Live Art); Night/Shift/Drift (PSi Zagreb, Croatia): Janus (Cafe Gallery, London); This Happy Band at Brixton (Commonist Gallery, Brixton)
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